Motion by Hahn seconded by Schimek to approve minutes of April 26, 2017 council meeting. Motion carried.
Gina Johnson, Goodhue County, gave presentation of tobacco license required updates. Tobacco ordinance will be on next agenda.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve Brandon Christofferson’s new garage permit in accordance to all set-backs. Motion carried.
Jason Holst discussed allowing steel roofs in residential. The Council will put it on next agenda.
Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve Donna Holst’s 4-season porch addition in accordance to all set-backs. Motion carried.
Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to approve the agenda with addition of Safe Routes to School. Motion carried.
Motion by Buck, seconded by Schimek to approve BOA minutes of April 12, 2017. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to approve minutes of April 12, 2017 council meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve painting a pedestrian land on 3rd Avenue from 6th to 9th Street. Motion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Buck to approve Jaycees liquor license for Volksfest. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Buck, seconded by Schimek to approve council minutes of March 22, 2017. Motion carried.
Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to approve minutes of March 22, 2017 TIF public hearing. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by buck to approve Rail Riders raffle. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to accept summer quotes from Bruening, Kielmeyer & Thomforde. Motion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Buck to purchase burn pile land from Stehr’s for $7,500. Motion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Hahn to approve council minutes of March 8, 2017. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to pass resolution adopting modification of development district no. 1 and modification of TIF 1-3. Motion carried.
Alex Dicke, Adam Johnson & Calvin Ryan gave new business presentation.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Hahn to pass resolution approving plans & specifications & ordering advertisement for bids. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to start lifeguards at $8.50 with a cap at $11.00 per hour & a $.50 raise at return the next year. Hahn recused self. Motion carried.
Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Hahn to approve council minutes of February 22, 2017. Motion carried.
Motion by Buck, seconded by Hahn to approve the public hearing minutes of February 22, 2017. Motion carried.
Motion by Hahn, seconded by Schimek to remove table regarding Treyben Kehren house moving discussion. Motion carried.
Kehren has withdrawn request.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Buck, seconded by Schimek to approve the council minutes of February 8, 2017. Motion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Buck to approve 4 to attend Fire School & 2 to attend EMS School. Motion carried.
Brian Loos gave police report.
Motion Schimek, seconded by Hahn to approve resolution ordering improvement & preparation of plans for Swanson Heights Second Addition. Motion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Hahn to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Buck to approve the council minutes of January 25, 2017. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Hahn to approve Bruce Albers’ request to continue the process of adding gestation barn. Motion carried.
Allison Jones & Brian Roussell presented squad car replacement information.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to pay the bills. Motion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Buck, seconded by Schimek to approve the council minutes of January 11, 2017. Motion carried.
Senator Goggin gave state updates.
Wayne Hahn arrived.
Cris Gastner of CEDA, Community & Economic Development Associates, gave presentation.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve resolution receiving feasibility report for Swanson Heights 2nd Addition. Motion carried.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
The Oath of Office was taken.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Schimek to approve the council minutes of December 14, 2016. Motion carried.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Hahn to approve the budget hearing minutes of December 14, 2016. Motion carried.
New home construction & set-back discussion held with Nicholas & Katie Kurtti.
Motion by Schimek, seconded by Adams to name First Farmers & Merchants the office bank. Motion carried.